Critics can't get enough of "bright" tenor Toby Bradford
(Wall Street Journal), who enamors audiences across the country with his "delightful playfulness" (Opera Wire).
He has appeared in performances at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center, the latter of which Richard Sasanow of Broadway World said he "was a standout... leaving me wishing that he had more to do." Born and raised in Pasadena California, he received his Bachelor of Music from the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music under the instruction of world-renowned baritone Vladimir Chernov. He recently completed a Master of Music and Performing Artist Certificate in Vocal Performance as a fellow of UNCSA's highly selective A.J. Fletcher Opera Institute under the tutelage of Dr. Marilyn Taylor.

"His voice is gentle in its sound, but very impressive in its breath support. He held onto notes til the very end and the audience loved his delightful playfulness.” - Jennifer Pyron
Opera Wire
"As the lover-boy, Contino di Fiore, Toby Bradford’s clear, strong tenor is appropriately ardent in his Act One ‘Bella sicomme un angelo’.”
Classical Source
“Tenor Toby Bradford was a standout as Lisetta’s suitor, Contino del Fiore, leaving me wishing that he had more to do.” - Richard Sasanow
Broadway World
“Fine tenor Toby Bradford as Contino del Fiore was also underused; after his ardent solo opening the opera, he virtually disappeared.” - Christopher Corwin
“…the bright tenor Toby Bradford made fine contributions” - Heidi Waleson
Wall Street Journal
“No pasó desapercibido la labor del tenor Toby Bradford, quien con una voz de exquisito lirismo le dio a la parte del joven aristócrata veneciano Contino del Fiore un relieve poco usual.” - Daniel Lara
Pro Ópera
"Pasquale was spectacularly portrayed by tenor Toby Bradford. Haydn wrote music of extraordinary difficulty for Pasquale, subjecting the singer to virtually every virtuosic feat... Bradford not only coped but fully conquered... A depiction as accomplished as Bradford's would be notable in any of the world's great opera houses: it was nothing short of sensational." - Joseph Newsome
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